reslice_warp_ucf AIR 5.0


This program takes a .warp file and attempts to numerically invert the spatial transformation that it describes to transform the coordinates listed in a .ucf file. The .ucf file is assumed to refer to locations in the .warp file's reslice file. After transformation the output .ucf file will refer to corresponding locations in the .warp file's standard file.


reslice_warp_ucf .warp-file ucf-file output-ucf-file [options]

[-c accuracy]
specifies accuracy (in voxels) of numerical inversion
transformation is meant to describe a spatial inversion
[-l linear-estimate-air-or-warp-file]
name of linear .air or .warp file used to estimate starting point for numerical inversion
grants permission to overwrite output-ucf-file
silently omit unmappable points (default is to report error and exit)
where the following definitions apply:
accuracy [-c]
numerical inversion requires finding a location in the standard file that maps to a given location (specified by the ucf-file) in the reslice file. This value specifies, in voxels, how close to the location in the reslice file the inversion must come
linear-estimate-air-or-warp-file [-l]
the name of an affine .air file or first order .warp file that has the same reslice and standard files as the .warp-file. This file will be used to estimate a good starting estimate for numerical inversion
output-ucf-file [mandatory]
the name of the output .ucf file to be created
.warp-file [mandatory]
name of the 3D .warp file containing the nonlinear transformation parameters
ucf-file [mandatory]
the name of the input .ucf file


reslice_warp_ucf mri.warpatlas caudate_mri.ucf caudate_atlas.ucf -l mri.airatlas


Error messages: (alphabetical by case)

See also: Generic error messages
-c must be followed by a positive number
-l must be followed by an affine air file or linear warp file
3D warp files are required
Expected ____ valid values, found ____
Unable to parse ____
Unable to parse argument ____, which was expected to begin with a '-'

See also:

Modified: December 16, 2001
© 2001   Roger P. Woods, M.D.(