reslice_unwarp AIR 5.0


This program will attempt to numerically invert the information contained in a .warp file, reslicing the original registration target to match the reslice file instead of the usual vice versa.


reslice_unwarp .warp-file output [options]

[-a alternate-reslice-file]
changes the file to be resliced
[-c accuracy]
specifies accuracy (in voxels) of numerical inversion
[-d divide-by-intensity-scale-factor]
scales output by dividing by specified factor
[-df divide-by-intensity-scale-factor-file]
scales output by dividing by factor specified in file
output mask will show areas of spatial inversion instead of areas without spatial inversion
[-l linear-estimate-air-or-warp-file]
name of linear .air or .warp file used to estimate starting point for numerical inversion
[-n model {half-window-width(s)}]
changes interpolation model
grants permission to overwrite output
[-s multiplicative-intensity-scale-factor]
scales output using specified multiplicative factor
[-sf multiplicative-intensity-scale-factor-file]
scales output using multiplicative factor specified in file
where the following definitions apply:
accuracy [-c]
numerical inversion requires finding a location in the standard file that maps to a given location in the reslice file. This value specifies, in voxels, how close to the location in the reslice file the inversion must come
alternate-reslice-file [-a]
name of an alternate reslice file that is spatially equivalent (same voxel sizes and dimensions) to the default standard file specified in the .warp-file
divide-by-intensity-scale-factor [-d]
output intensities are divided by this positive value
divide-by-intensity-scale-factor-file [-df]
output intensities are divided by the value in this ASCII file containing a single positive number
half-window-width [-n ...]
half the width of the window (in whole voxels) to apply when doing sinc interpolation
larger values are more accurate, but considerably slower
linear-estimate-air-or-warp-file [-l]
the name of an affine .air file or first order .warp file that has the same reslice and standard files as the .warp-file. This file will be used to estimate a good starting estimate for numerical inversion
model [-n ...]
the interpolation model number, selected from the menu:
  • 0. nearest neighbor
  • 1. trilinear
  • 2. windowed sinc in original xy plane, linear along z
  • 3. windowed sinc in original xz plane. linear along y
  • 4. windowed sinc in original yz plane, linear along x
  • 5. 3D windowed sinc
multiplicative-intensity-scale-factor [-s]
output intensities are multiplied by this positive value
multiplicative-intensity-scale-factor-file [-sf]
output intensities are multiplied by the value in this ASCII file containing a single positive number
output [mandatory]
name of the output image file (.hdr or .img suffix optional)
.warp-file [mandatory]
name of the .warp file containing the nonlinear transformation parameters


reslice_unwarp mri.warpatlas newatlas -l mri.airatlas -o


Error messages: (alphabetical by case)

See also: Generic error messages
-a must be followed by an image file name
-c must be followed by a positive number
-d must be followed by a positive number
-df must be followed by a file name
-l must be followed by an affine air file or linear warp file
-n ____ does not define a valid interpolation model
-n ____ must be followed by three positive integers
-n ____ must be followed by two positive integers
-n must be followed by a valid interpolation model number
-s must be followed by a positive number
-sf must be followed by a file name
Unable to parse ____
Unable to parse argument ____, which was expected to begin with a '-'

See also:

Modified: December 15, 2001
© 2001   Roger P. Woods, M.D.(