

This is the only interactive program in the AIR package and it serves four roles. Given values for rigid body transformation parameters (x_shift,y_shift, z_shift,roll, pitch and yaw) with or without 3 scaling parameters, it can:

  1. Convert these values into an initialization file for use with an AIR alignment program (example 1).
  2. Use these values to reslice a file to generate a new file with specified voxel dimensions and matrix size (example 2)
  3. Create a .air file based on these values that can be used by other programs such as reslice, combine_air, combine_warp and invert_air (example 2).
  4. Generate a .air file that will interpolate a specified image file to cubic voxels based on the same top alignment assumptions utilized by the programs zoomer and reslice (example 3).



Supply information and answer the questions at the prompts
Shifts are defined in units of cubified reslice file voxels. In other words, if the file that you are planning to reslice has anisotropic voxel sizes, you must envision the file as having been interpolated to cubic voxels when specifying shifts. For example, if your voxels are anisotropic with a larger z size than x and y size, a z-axis shift of 1 will shift you a distance equivalent to the x and y axis pixel size, not by 1 plane as you might otherwise expect).


Example 1:


x-axis shift in voxels:0

y-axis shift in voxels:0

z-axis shift in voxels:0

roll (rotation around y-axis in degrees:0

pitch (rotation around x-axis in degrees:10

yaw (rotation around z-axis in degrees:0

x scale-down factor:1

y scale-down factor:1

z scale-down factor:1

Save parameters as initialization file for automated registration? (y/n):y

Name of initialization file to save:myfile.init

Parameters saved to initialization file myfile.init


Example 2:


x-axis shift in voxels:0

y-axis shift in voxels:0

z-axis shift in voxels:0

roll (rotation around y-axis in degrees:0

pitch (rotation around x-axis in degrees:10

yaw (rotation around z-axis in degrees:0

x scale-down factor:1

y scale-down factor:1

z scale-down factor:1

Save parameters as initialization file for automated registration? (y/n):n

[path/]name of file to reslice (no spaces allowed):pet1.img

Define target space by {e}xample file or {m}anually? (e/m):e

[path/]name of example file (no spaces allowed):pet2.img

Save a .air file based on the information provided? (y/n):y

Full name of .air file:pet1.airpet2

.air file saved as pet1.airpet2

Exit? (will proceed to reslice file if answer is no) (y/n):n

Output voxel dimensions will be 2 x 2 x 6

Would you prefer cubic voxels (2 x 2 x 2)? (y/n):n

[path/]name of output file (no spaces allowed):newpet1

Resliced file newpet1.img has been saved

Example 3:


x-axis shift in voxels:0

y-axis shift in voxels:0

z-axis shift in voxels:0

roll (rotation around y-axis in degrees:0

pitch (rotation around x-axis in degrees:10

yaw (rotation around z-axis in degrees:0

x scale-down factor:1

y scale-down factor:1

z scale-down factor:1

Save parameters as initialization file for automated registration? (y/n):n

[path/]name of file to reslice (no spaces allowed):pet1

Define target space by {e}xample file or {m}anually? (e/m):m

The file you want to reslice has voxels with

x-dimension size of 1.745000e+00

y-dimension size of 1.745000e+00

z-dimension size of 6.750000e+00

What sizes do you want for voxels after reslicing?

x-dimension size:1.745

y-dimension size:1.745

z_dimension size:1.745

The file you want to reslice has matrix dimensions of

x-dimension 128

y-dimension 128

z-dimension 15

What dimensions do you want for matrix after reslicing?




Save a .air file based on the information provided? (y/n):y

Full name of .air file:pet1.airinterpolate

The two spaces that you have defined meet criteria suggesting that you may view them as identical except for interpolation error.

Do you want to treat them as spatially identical? (y/n):y

Parameters adjusted from center-center alignment to first_plane-first_plane alignment

Reslicing will reflect spatial identity

.air file saved as pet1.airinterpolate

Exit? (will proceed to reslice file if answer is no) (y/n):y


Error messages: (alphabetical)

See also: Generic error messages

Other error messages generated by this program are self explanatory

See also:

Modified: December 18, 2001

©1995-2001 Roger P. Woods, M.D.(