Viewing Data

Once you have loaded the data, adjusted its intensity, chosen an orientation, adjusted the magnification and display anisotropy, and chosen an interpolation model you are ready to look at the data.

To advance forward through the images in the main viewer:
Press the "+" button on the control panel at the bottom of the main window
Alternatively, from the "Slice" menu, select "Advance" or use the keyboard shortcut associated with the "Advance" item in the menu.
To move backwards through the images in the main viewer:
Press the "-" button on the control panel at the bottom of the main window
Alternatively, from the "Slice" menu, select "Go Back" or use the keyboard shortcut associated with the "Go Back" item in the menu.
To go to a particular plane in the main viewer:
  1. Type the number of the plane in the box between the "-" and "+" buttons in the control panel at the bottom of the main window
  2. Press "Return" on the keyboard while the cursor remains in the box

The orthogonal view windows are updated using the cursor in the main window. You can alter the orthogonal views by making the main window active and positioning the mouse over the images in the main window and moving it around. The orthogonal views correspond to the mouse position.

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Modified: January 18, 2003