Reloading Saved Contours
Contours saved (as opposed to exported) from MultiTracer can be reloaded for viewing and/or editing
To load a saved set of contours:
- Load the image file associated with the contour set first
- From the "File" menu, choose "Load Contour Data ..."
- In the "Open" dialog, find and select the file containing the contour data
- Press the "Open" button in the dialog
- Depending on the orientatation and slice where traces were drawn, traces may or may not
be immediately visible
In some instances, you may want to load a particular contour from a saved set of contours while
retaining contours that you have already loaded or drawn in MultiTracer. For example, you might want
to compare how two different people traced a particular anatomic structure.
To load a contour from a saved set of contours without destroying currently loaded traces:
- Set MultiTracer to display the orientation to which you want to add the saved structure
- From the "File" menu, choose "Add Contour Data From..."
- In the "Open" dialog, find and select the file containing the contour data
- In the dialog box, choose the name of the structure that you want to add using the popup menu
- In the dialog box, enter a new structure name to use in the field labelled "Using Structure Name:"
- Press the 'Done' button
- If successful, the new structure name that you provided should now appear in the panel at the
bottom of the main window
©2001-2003 Roger P. Woods, M.D.
Modified: January 18, 2003