Reloading Saved Contours

Contours saved (as opposed to exported) from MultiTracer can be reloaded for viewing and/or editing

To load a saved set of contours:

  1. Load the image file associated with the contour set first
  2. From the "File" menu, choose "Load Contour Data ..."
  3. In the "Open" dialog, find and select the file containing the contour data
  4. Press the "Open" button in the dialog
  5. Depending on the orientatation and slice where traces were drawn, traces may or may not be immediately visible

In some instances, you may want to load a particular contour from a saved set of contours while retaining contours that you have already loaded or drawn in MultiTracer. For example, you might want to compare how two different people traced a particular anatomic structure.

To load a contour from a saved set of contours without destroying currently loaded traces:

  1. Set MultiTracer to display the orientation to which you want to add the saved structure
  2. From the "File" menu, choose "Add Contour Data From..."
  3. In the "Open" dialog, find and select the file containing the contour data
  4. In the dialog box, choose the name of the structure that you want to add using the popup menu
  5. In the dialog box, enter a new structure name to use in the field labelled "Using Structure Name:"
  6. Press the 'Done' button
  7. If successful, the new structure name that you provided should now appear in the panel at the bottom of the main window

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Modified: January 18, 2003