

This program will modify the voxel sizes in the specified image header (.hdr file) and will set any illegal negative dimensions or sizes to their absolute values.

Warning: If you have moved data from a big-endian machine to a little-endian machine (e.g., from a Sun to a PC) or vice versa, applying this program to the header file of such data will result in a failure to byte-swap the image data when loading it into AIR and other programs that use the header information to detect the need to byte-swap. You may be able to work around this problem by using the AIR program reorient to make a copy of the data (which will be fully byte-swapped during copying) and then applying this program the resulting header file.


fixheader filename [x-size y-size z-size]

where the following definitions apply:
the name of the header file to be modified
the x-dimensional size of a voxel
the y-dimensional size of a voxel
the z-dimensional size of a voxel


fixheader mrix AIR 5.0 fixheader mri .975 .975 1.2


Error messages: (alphabetical by case)

See also: Generic error messages
x_size must be a positive number
y_size must be a positive number
z_size must be a positive number

See also:

Modified: July 22, 2002
© 2001-2002   Roger P. Woods, M.D.(