

This program will magnify images independently along the three major axes using Fourier interpolation. Magnification factors are restricted to values that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, and the integer in the denominator must be a factor of the corresponding image dimension.


magnify input output overwrite?(y/n) magnify-x magnify-y magnify-z [shrink-x shrink-y shrink-z]

where the following definitions apply:
the name of the input file
the name of the output file
'y' grants permission to overwrite output
the x magnification factor (an integer greater than or equal to 1
the y magnification factor (an integer greater than or equal to 1
the z magnification factor (an integer greater than or equal to 1
The optional x minification factor. This must be a positive integer and must be smaller than the x magnification factor (i.e., the net effect of the two factors cannot result in net minification). This value must also be a factor of the x dimension of the file.
The optional y minification factor. This must be a positive integer and must be smaller than the y magnification factor (i.e., the net effect of the two factors cannot result in net minification). This value must also be a factor of the y dimension of the file.
The optional z minification factor. This must be a positive integer and must be smaller than the z magnification factor (i.e., the net effect of the two factors cannot result in net minification). This value must also be a factor of the z dimension of the file.


magnify mri bigmri y 2 2 1 magnify mri bigmri y 3 3 1 2 2 1


Error messages: (alphabetical by case)

See also: Generic error messages
Magnifications must be larger than corresponding shrinkages
magnify_x must be a positive integer
magnify_y must be a positive integer
magnify_z must be a positive integer
shrink_x must be a positive integer
shrink_y must be a positive integer
shrink_z must be a positive integer

See also:

Modified: December 18, 2001
© 2001   Roger P. Woods, M.D.(